Showing me How -the friendliness of meeting my Sage

It's taken me years to trust my relationship with my Sage. And yet when I look back I can see how this cosmic help has shown me things through a series of 'micro vision-quests'. My friend had made the distinction that she found the Sage liked to be considered more in the form of a HOW than a WHAT - a way - not a thing per se. I could really relate to this. So, to my surprise, when I consider how it felt or when the "how" began showing up in my dreams and showing me "how" to translate its messages, I could feel something very real and personable. It shows me how learning can be fun! And how I can trust myself enough to keep making room for this very real consciousness. My friend had also shared that this is something of an I Ching lifestyle, and one that becomes natural and without effort when I can give it flexibility and wonder! This energy requires my sensitivity and sincerity, like being a good friend to it and vice versa. This is how I met my Sage.

Payson, AZ