A respectful goodbye to a sick tooth

   I was once again plagued by a terrible pain coming from a molar that has been causing pains for years. It has gone through quite a few dental treatments, and has been left open for some time now. Last night, I did not fall back into the usual expectation that I will, once again, have to suffer through a lot of pains and complicated, unsuccessful treatments.

   Instead, I asked the Sage to help me look into the cause of my suffering tooth. I was made aware of a poison arrow that was connected with a traumatic experience in utero. At the time of my mother’s pregnancy, she lived in the house of her in-laws, my paternal grandparents. I clearly remember how sad their condescending and malicious attitude toward my mother made me feel as a child. In consulting the I Ching I found that I had also received some of that venom while my mother was pregnant with me. The Sage helped me become aware of the following poison arrows: “She will never belong to us!” “Now our blood has been spoiled.” Although I deprogrammed these poison arrows, the pain persisted and become so unbearable that I had to use the dentist’s emergency room. They prescribed an antibiotic and a pain killer. 

I learned that once the situation has calmed down, the tooth will have to go, since there is hardly any substance of it left. In a brief meditation I got in touch with the Helper of this tooth. Our encounter ended with our saying a respectful goodbye to each other.

By Anna

Comment by Hanna: Anna’s experience shows that “healing” does not necessarily mean the restoration of anything, on the physical plane.

The next day, Anna wrote:

“I find it unique and most amazing when I look at the way the Sage chose to give me that experience. I received an appointment with the dental surgeon for tomorrow – normally, you don’t get it that soon. Everything went totally smooth.

Inspite of all the misfortune I am very relieved and can hardly believe the help I am experiencing. Since this morning, I have not felt the need to take a pain killer to ease the effect of the deep reaching infection. From my professional experience as a nurse I know that an antibiotic requires up to 48 hours before it takes effect. The Cosmic Dental Surgeon and the Cosmic Doctor are doing a wonderful job!”

Reaching Neutrality

I have found that when I go to seminars there is often one totally unexpected thing that I learn. In a recent seminar it was about finding neutrality. Another participant was telling me how it was hard for her to reach neutrality before doing a hexagram. I then had a moment of insight. This was an aspect I had not paid enough attention to, even though I had consulted the Oracle for a decade. I began to explore ways to reach neutrality. 

1.) The Hexagram 52. Meditating, was an outline for this. It began for me by deepening my understanding of what the purpose of an I Ching meditation is (“ ...to remove those thoughts and images that trouble the mind....”) and how this differs from other types of meditation. As I reflected on this hexagram I started to see why neutrality is important in a meditation / Hexgram. I need to be still and clear to receive the images and the help.

2.) During exercises in seminars I’ve been led to work with visual images that take away the disturbing thought / image and carry it to the Cosmos. Some of these images were loading the disturbance on a wagon or letting the Cosmic vacuum cleaner grab it. Now my own personal images pop up as well and sometimes they are quite amusing. 

3.) I remembered Carol saying that even if I didn’t receive anything specific in a meditation, at least I have had the cleansing. This has been helpful for me in developing a regular meditation practice because it freed me from the expectations of ‘producing’. Also I find that insight often comes a while after a meditation. 

4.) I read something by Hanna in the website blog about approaching these processes with modesty and sincerity. That seems so obvious yet sometimes that’s missing. I may do a simple check of my inner state to see if this is where I am at in the moment.

I look now to see if I’m in neutrality before meditating, doing a hexagram or asking questions of the Sage. When I get a yes that I have reaching neutrality it gives me confidence that my communication is truly with the Sage.

By jk


So here's a fun story. This morning I put the I Ching and notebook on my lap and as usual asked if I'm neutral and as usual, I was not. It occurred to me, as I tried various meditations and positive images on for size, that I felt that it is "galling" that it takes me so long to get centered, in spite of all the "work" I do to find modesty and sincerity, suspend my doubts, wash away negativity, vacuum pre-conceived ideas, view the Sage as equal, and ask the Helper of Freeing to suspend the ego... and thank each helper.... Galling.

Then I remembered that I would sometimes get bored of getting - - or - - - (no’s) so I would start to read anywhere in the I Ching (I just open up the book “randomly” - ha!). I don’t remember what I was reading, but it occurred to me after a paragraph or so that I’d ask again and yes + + I was finally neutral. BTW, just now in retrospect, I remember being able to tune out the world while reading when I was very young.

So, without a crisis to ask about, I asked to get a hexagram to "show me the next best thing for me". Now here's the fun part. I got Hexagram 60, Self-Limitation, Judgment: "Galling limits must not be persevered in." At first I (the ego) thought, oh good, I don't want to have to persevere through someone else's galling behavior (my current predicament). I asked the Sage if this was about someone else and got “no.” Okay, I’ll admit it could be me, so I read on asking for help. How would I self-impose limitations to not feel galled?

Second thought, after asking for help and getting this to read: Galling feelings mean I need Modesty; self-imposed limitations keep me in tune with the Cosmic Harmony++. This made sense so I decided to self-impose a keener “eye” to my feelings and search for Cosmic Harmony, instead of the boring, long process of getting neutral. I did find one false thought form to deprogram à “It’s galling that I have to take so long to figure out how to get neutral + +, now deprogrammed (yay).

Third thought after reading in Hexagram 60 the paragraphs that were shown by using the “rtcm”: Wow, do I ever feel blessed to have a friend in the Sage to respond so succinctly with exactly the words and feelings I needed to understand the myriad ideas that I need to sort out (with help). Now in retrospect I want to say “Sorry, Sage”, (Yes, that is appropriate + +) because it feels like I was testing the Helpers unconsciously.

Hanna asked me to “add what kind of inner action I took in order to put an end to the galling experience.” If I have such a thing as “inner action” it would be that the word and subsequent feeling of galling is now a call to look for Modesty in my “outlook”.

By nunie

Deprogramming Experiences

I would like to share a few photos of some of my deprogramming pages. I usually draw a sketch of how the projections etc., are to be deprogrammed e.g. by cosmic: fire, 'hoover', shredder, and a method (one I think I came up with myself) of tying the idea in a sack with a stone -- optionally hitting it with a stick -- and throwing it in a lake. Hope ye enjoy them :-)

Regarding the smilies: I draw one for each time I have done the deprogramming.

Signed: Tom

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Prevention of Infections, or Early Interventions

My “acquired inner army” is very, very helpful when it comes to the prevention of infections, or early interventions.

At the slightest sign of an infection, I say my “No, No, No!” to all ego-elements, ego-aspects, and all sick-making parts that have invaded me. I then ask my Inner Army to detect everything that has invaded me, to put a firm grip on it, and extinguish it. Next, I ask my Helper of Self-Healing to heal the damage I have incurred.

It works wonders. Also with wounds or inflammations.

A German health practitioner